What Are The Effects Of Cistanche Deserticola?



1. Anti-aging effect

C. deserticola has some anti - aging effect. C. deserticola could increase the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and decrease the content of lipofuscin in myocardium.


2. Regulate endocrine, promote metabolism and strengthen functions

C. deserticola can adjust the content of nucleic acid in liver and spleen. It can activate adrenal gland and release corticosteroids. Its mechanism may be to enhance the function of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian luteinizing hormone, which is not because they directly stimulate the secretion of pituitary luteinizing hormone, but to improve the pituitary's responsiveness to LRH and the ovary's responsiveness to LH.


Cistanche Deserticola

3. The role of the immune system

Ethanol extract of c. cistanche 1.25g/kg and 2.5g/kg (equivalent to raw drugs 5.61g/kg and 11.21g/kg) were given to mice by inoculating for 8 consecutive days and sensitized with sheep red blood cells on the 5th day, which significantly inhibited the number of plaques in spleen cells. Abstract of herba cistanche and total flavones of herba epimedium have additive effect on promoting the inoculation of immune-suppressed mice, which can enhance the immunity of model mice.


4. Promotes DNA synthesis

C. deserticola decoction (0.5g/ml) 0.5ml/ day was fed to mice with Yang deficiency caused by hydrocortisone acetate, which could increase the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid in liver and spleen. [3]


5. Other functions

Antihypertensive effect; Promote saliva to secrete and breath paralytic action, the composition that promotes saliva to secrete is some kind of organic acid kind material, the composition of breath paralytic may be glycoside kind.




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